New roommates moved in and are harassing my girlfriend and going in her room

My girlfriend had two new people move into her apartment, on recommendation from a friend. They have been harassing and problematic. She has told them they need to move out, what I want is some legal advice. She is filing officially for unwanted house guest eviction tomorrow, but I want to know if there are any other options. Here are the details:

  1. The two people are not on the lease, nor have they officially applied with the landlord to live in the apartment.

  2. The landlord was told that they moved in, and has been told that they are also moving back out.

  3. The roommates in question brought pests (roaches) with them, and despite saying they would take care of them have done nothing to remove or terminate the pests.

  4. They have had several screaming matches at all hours of the day. The woman has repeatedly accused the man of beating her but refuses to contact the police. The man has repeatedly said he is moving out and will leave the woman for my girlfriend to deal with. There are multiple saved text messages from the man saying that he is leaving/finding a new place.

  5. The man has repeatedly entered my girlfriend's room without permission. The first time we know of, he left pages from an erotic novel on her bed. He was told that it was completely unacceptable. He then entered the room without permission to apologize, and again another day because he was struggling with the wifi. My girlfriend feels threatened by the lack of privacy and refusal to change unwanted behaviors.

  6. They moved in on 10/28 and have been in the apartment for less than 30 days.

  7. They both appear to be alcoholics and are impulsive, aggressive, and potentially violent when drunk. My girlfriend is concerned for her safety.

  8. My girlfriend is concerned for her safety to the point that she has been staying at my apartment. She goes to her place every afternoon to take care of things there and check on her cat. She has not moved anything.

  9. My girlfriend is the only one with her name on any of the bills relevant to the apartment (rent check, gas/electric, and comcast bills).

  10. The location is Baltimore, MD. Any help about options or quick solutions would be appreciated.

edit: I've gotten some great responses and I appreciate the feedback. What can we do at this point? I don't want to hear another story from her about coming home to a guy that is drunk and high trying to mess with her. She's been staying at my house and she can move in, however, it's a bit early in our relationship for that. She is currently paying rent month-to-month. She can stay at her parents but the commute would be rough. Should she move out? If she moves out, will there be consequences if the new people refuse to leave? Thank you again for your input. We are looking into a peace order thanks to /u/tastes_like_cake.

/r/legaladvice Thread