New and .... scared

Hi sorry to hear you are having chronic pain and are going through this. It's not an easy situation, you are not alone. Its important not to panic or get too stressed this could make your pain worse.

It may or may not be CRPS, you certainly have some of the symptoms. Google Budapest Criteria, it a diagnostic tool used to help determine a CRPS diagnosis.

if you haven't already you might want to see a pain management Dr who should be able to diagnose you, other fields can also diagnose it will depend your country. If it is CRPS you are more likely to have a better outcome the quicker you start treatment.

If you need information or further support I would recommend going to one of the charities websites for the condition ( and are pretty good) there are quite a few different ones, it partly depends on your country as to which site is best.

I hope you have a low pain day

/r/CRPS Thread