does anyone have any advice about accepting/using a cane?

I started using a cane while at uni and felt soooooo ashamed and embarrassed. The thing I did to lighten the mood when people saw it was to show them that there was a light on it and if they were asking too much I'd press the siren. While I only had one fully functioning leg, I also knew I could smack someone in the shins (by accident) or on their foot. I didn't do it but did make me feel powerful.

I have different canes based on what I need but highly recommend one that hooks around your upper arm so you don't have to worry about it falling off or anything. It sounds like a terrible idea but make sure to think about the terrain you will be on and might have wanted to go in the past but couldn't.

Practicing in the mirror walking to feel more confident, doing it in public but without people you know (or feel judged by) might help. I used to get nervous when my peers would see me, forget I needed the cane, and immediately eat shit. Also, having your friends come over and normalise that you have a crutch AND that you can maybe do a bit more now that you couldn't do without is great.

Honestly, most people who matter and will stay or come into your life won't give a fuck. Sure, you will feel bad that you can't do some stuff but they will learn what you are actually capable of. When they start accepting it, hopefully you will too. If not, fuck them.

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