2.5 year old sleeps on the floor next to his door.

A strap? /s

Are you doing the full bedtime routine? Teeth, books, hug, and into bed? My 3 y/o generally just passes out after a minute or so!

Are you putting him to bed, then finding him by the door and putting him back in his bed? That might help eventually if he's waking up and finding himself in bed, "oh I should be here"

I'm gonna guess that the bed is comfortable? Not that at 2.5 they won't sleep pretty much anywhere!

Do you then go downstairs & watch TV etc? Cause I'd say he's probably just listening to it! I think most kids do, I normally hover around upstairs for 5 minutes for the game of 20k questions & then just do any mildly quiet housework that needs doing for 10-20 minutes to avoid disturbing them, then I can go watch TV!

Does he stay in his room all night? Or does he come in to your room?

/r/daddit Thread