New Tomorrowland Poster

There was an NPR interview with Lindelof that really helped me articulate why I hate him.

In the interview Lindelof talked about how when he was a kid he read "Encyclopedia Brown" books, but instead of reading the story and figuring out the mystery, he would skip to the back and find out the answer to the mystery. Lindelof's dad felt that was cheating so he tore the last page out of the books when he got them and never gave them back— forcing Lindelof to come to his own conclusions about what happened while never getting the actual answer.

So what Lindelof has been doing is recreating his trauma on a scale 100000x larger and then asks people to pay to subject themselves to it.

That by itself isn't so bad, not every story needs to be wrapped up in a nice, neat, easily consumable package. It's okay to leave some unanswered questions. That's not what Lindelof does though. What he does is build up a decent mystery/story, and then adds, and adds, and at the point where there should be some kind of payout, he flips 90 degrees and goes in some other direction, and you never get a coherent piece of entertainment.

Lindelof isn't totally shit at what he does, obviously he has enough talent to have gotten where he is, but seriously, everything he's done has ended up being massively unsatisfying bullshit.

Also he's a goddamned liar. With Lost he swore that there was a direction and that the writers weren't just making shit up as they went along, and he said there would be a solid ending. As it turns out, Lost was supposed to have ended way earlier than it did and the writers were just making a bunch of unrelated shit up after they ran out of the initial material, and most of everything that happened in the show meant nothing.

Life is already an long list of unanswered questions and letdowns, I don't need to waste my time on something that I know won't have any kind of resolution or payoff.

/r/movies Thread Link -