The New York Times exposes what /r/the_donald really is: A safe haven for bigots and hate speech

I said this in another thread the other day:

Years ago, what happened was a massive trend in "blaming the liberal main stream media." Fox News swooped in to counter against it by saying, "We will now provide you with the truth! Ignore the liberal main stream media!"

This provided a ton of conservatives to ditch everything except for Fox News. Over time this created a large number of people who flat out reject anything other than Fox News. Then websites like Breitbart, Druge Report, etc. started popping up providing bogus and extreme views/claims.

Then you have social media taking over by storm and older and the less educated people especially seem to eat up literally anything they see on Facebook and other social media. Younger people grew up knowing that The Onion and things like that are satire.

Now, you have a massive group of people who are completely dependent on social media for news and they don't trust the "liberal main stream media" so they believe anything that gets posted and share it like wildfire.

I deleted Facebook several years ago because I could not believe the ignorance being passed around like wild fire. It was so frustrating that I just gave up.

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