Here's a news flash for the people of England. We haven't given a flying fuck what your inbred monarchy thinks about a god damn thing since at least 1776.

I love the Monarchy. It's a BULLWARK of Goodness in this World. I love the Monarchy as much as I love a GOOD GOOD BOY (as in GOOD GOOD DOGS!!!!). They're the ONLY people in the World who have not let power corrupt them. (Ok, there's a few others ; Donald Trump, etc.) But that's why I love them. Make up all the Communist conspiracy theories about the Monarchy being elitist rich people, but I look up to them. Sorry. I remain loyal to good people and the Monarchy has done more Good for the World alone than 99.999999999999999% of people (other than a couple Saints maybe, but even then show me this saint. How can you love both? Well, the taxes DO APPEAR to have been set FAR too high in 1776 which was probably a sane reason to leave (at the time), and it is a permanent decision (I'm a conservative so I'm PRO-CONSTITUTION), but if you see it from the British perspective they had PURCHASED this land, and they needed the loaned amounts repaid and were trying to quicken it back then because they were in financial trouble. So both sides were "correct". Britain simply forced its hand, sadly, and lost America. Ok, fine, what's done is done.

I like BOTH America and Britain. Separately. They are both autonomous and they are BOTH great. THE MONARCHY is literally one of the best parts of the World, next to gasp SOME companies like Apple/Tesla. Sorry if you disagree and think that's a "liberal" response. It isn't. Being a Monarchist back in the day made you a... say it with me... TORY. Not a Whig. A full TORY. Being anti-monarchist is left leaning compared to being PRO-monarchist. So if you disagree with me, you're the lefties. Sorry, but it's true. I love the Monarchy, don't care if you don't.

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