Have no fear, the Overture Patchnotes are here!

Some of the stuff i wrote down as a script that seemed the most important to me (when saying it out loud idc about spelling mistakes)

You can actually unlock weapons now

There should be less infinite loading screens

Comeback mechanic is tweaked and nerfed, not deleted sadly

Airplane zooming is increased, to easier spot ground targets

LMG's got a nerf against airplanes, not sure if that was needed, but okay

The bomber got less bombs, making it less OP hopefully,

Meanwhile, the AA got a buff versus infantry

Automatic spawn is finally disabled, besides final stand, so you can go to the toilet now at the start of a round

Talking about spawning, planes have a delayed spawn of 30 seconds

The bomb icon will not be constantly visable above a player

The panzerfaust got some changes

Stationary launchers got a buff in damage, not only they fire quitte quickly with unlimeted ammo, theyll also kill you quicker

Ragdolls got a nerf so they dont do weird stuff after a player died

Revives got more responsive

DICE added generated facial animations for voice overs, which can be... either cool or really creepy

Vaulting got improvements

Players can now repair certain parts of a tank

Planes cannot instantly use the ammo the moment they resupply

Also the resupply points of planes got moved a bit backward

Towing stuff with a vehicle shouldn't send you to mars

Smoke will now block spotting, including that from suppression

Support can pick up enemy TNT and anti tank mines,

Throwingknife got a massive nerf, dealing its max damage only for 6 meter instead of 13. SO SAD

You also only get 2 of em, but atleast it deals headshot damage now

Multiple guns got their ironsights and scopes ironed out, so they arent completely missaligned anymore due to a bug

The STG and VS rifle now deal a little bit more damage up close, just like in the beta

The KE7 and SL 1907 got recoil nerfs, Also the recoil buffer has been deleted from the KE7, Both guns ALSO reloads slower

Poor little things

All SMG's got a buff basically,

DICE also fixed some out of bounds spawns, They also added some new spawnpoints on all maps

Temporal Anti aliasing got some improvements, we still cannot turn it off tho

Its easier to make smooth rotations on PC with the spectator mode, something you easily can do with a controller

No idea people wanted this, but you can use the keyboard to aim.

Raytracing got some performance improvements

And as last, Consoles got some imput improvements aswel

/r/BattlefieldV Thread Link - eaassets-a.akamaihd.net