No Man’s Sky - EXPLORE Trailer | PS4

I don't get it. This sub is absolutely fucking insane. There's posts on the front page right now that are claiming only 5% of the game's features have been shown/talked about because "you can see it in Sean's eyes" (WTF?) This is peak fanboy BS and you can't get away from it. They very literally vote brigade and point their masses towards posts on other subreddits that bring up criticism.

I got a message from a person who was pissed off about a comment I wrote mostly in support of the game, but criticized the trailers and marketing:

"Dumb fuck. If you're too fucking lazy to do some simple research, then this game is NOT for you. Go play casual AAA trash, moron. Fuck off."

I had some questions about the game and did some searching here on the subreddit for answers. You won't believe the amount of downvoting that occurs just from people asking stuff about the game that might be considered even the slightest bit negative. I found a comment with something like -5 karma that said "Huh... I hope I can fly bigger ships!" Just search around.

If you disagree on this subreddit you get downvoted. If you criticize the game on another subreddit someone makes a post about it here and you get threats and long, four-paragraph legal defenses in your inbox. You're not allowed to talk bad about the game in any capacity.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Parent Link -