Is it really necessary to refrain from charging your EV to 100%?

I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. But batteries in an EV are the same as the batteries in your smartphone, your laptop, tablet, etc. so following what is considered to be “good charging practice” is probably your best bet.

So plugging it into charge when it hits as close to empty as possible, and letting it charge all the way to full.

And where possible, don’t use the “Fast charging” as that can lead to premature battery degradation. Once in awhile it’s not a big deal, but don’t make a habit of it. The issue is, like any lithium-ion battery, is that they degrade even under normal circumstances — that’s why some people are having real issues with their older Teslas, in that, they are effectively running out of fuel sooner.

This of course is immaterial, if the work Dyson and Toyota are doing with the solid state batteries, which in theory, are far superior to the current battery technologies. The only issue currently is cost effectiveness and experimentation with longevity. But that’s another topic for another day.

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