No mixing coffee and chocolate!

This one hits at home, so fuck them:

When I was a kid I had horrible foot problems stemming from my flat feet. I had to have a lot of painful operations on my toes (yeah yeah yeah, “you just had ingrowing toenails” - which is half true, but you’d be surprised how bad things can get down there), often without the kind of local anaesthetic you’d have for much more minor operations because bureaucracy. “Put something between his teeth for the pain and let’s get it over with” kind of stuff. Didn’t do much for walking around with bandages on both feet needing constant redressing I’ll tell you that…

After a while the deal worked out - once I was old enough to drink coffee - was that drinking a coffee hot chocolate, “mocha” - whatever, would go a little way to soothe the wounds.

/r/iamveryculinary Thread Link -