Thanks for your service

He's not wrong about the military bit. Reason why I say that is from personal experiences with cops and being pulled off. I was in the Air Force and one day I was caught doin 82 mph in a 55 mph zone. Here's what happened if you have a bit of time for a read:

I was on my way home to see my little sister's science fair. I was 3 hours away from her school so I'm racing to get home. Eventually, I get onto a 2 lane road and if the other lane is clear of oncoming traffic, you may pass. Well, I got stuck behind someone going the speed limit, the oncoming lane was mostly clear, if I wanted to pass I had to speed up to get around the driver in front of me. So I do.. it's a 55 mph zone and I eventually pass her. With my luck, the car that was in the oncoming lane was a COP. I saw the quickest u-turn in history from the driver seat of my rear view manner. Lights of blue and red were as bright as can be, and the sound of that siren was pissed off at me. The cop pulls me over AND the driver that I passed. The driver was crying as I could see it on my rear view. Cop shows up to my wonder and asks "Do you know why I pulled you over?" And I answered "I was going pretty fast. I messed up. Was trying to get around the car in front of me." He asks for license and registration. So as I'm looking in my wallet, the cop is clearly watching me and my geneva conventions military I.D card is the first thing you see in my wallet. I know he saw it because I had to remove my military I.D to get my driver's license out. I give the cop the documents I requested and then he goes back to his car. Soon after, I see the cop talking to the lady behind me (the car I passed). Man she was crying so much I thought there was gonna be a flash flood in our area. I thought I was gonna be payin a steep fine for whatever show that lady was putting on for the cop. Shortly after, the lady was released and allowed to drive off. Now the cop goes back to his car and there I sit. A few minutes go by and he walks up to my window and says, "If you were 3 more miles over, you'd be appearing in court for reckless driving. Be safe out there. Thank you for your service" and he hands me a slip of paper. I'm looking at the slip of paper and as I read it, the top of the paper says "citation of warning, yada yada yada police department," it has my vehicle info, the speed the cop clocked my vehicle at, and the lawful speed. As I start to drive off, I shout "thank you sir, have a nice day." I call my mother (lol) to tell her I'm gonna be late to the science fair and, in my disbelief, I tell her "ma, I think I got a warning for speeding" she replies with "Oh boy. How bad?" I replied with "I was going 82 mph" and my mom is like " Oh wow... What was the speed limit? 75?" I replied "55 mph" she's then like "WHAT THE @#$# YOU WERE GOING 82 IN A 55!? THERE'S NO WAY."

She didn't believe me until I showed her the slip at the fair. I still have the warning slip in my wallet. The event took place on 1/24/2010 at 1655 lol.

I never sped again. Well okay I lied... I got stopped in a state for going 80 mph on the freeway, but the cop understood why and let me go. He said "When you get to Idaho, then you can go 80, but while in this state, pass at 75 lol"

Cheers all.

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