No One Cares A.K.A. The "Suggestions and Changes" Megathread!

It's optional to go rogue- to go "bad guy mode."

If a player doesn't like it and cannot figure out how to deal with it, they should strongly consider choosing not to do it (because it is a choice.) Saying "let's think about the bigger picture here" because it's hard is not thinking of the bigger picture at all. In fact, it's thinking about the present with no knowledge of the future.

Don't go rogue. If you really want to go rogue- deal with the consequences. You can even avoid doing it accidentally almost 100% of the time simply by not pursuing others who are rogue, until you learn how to not shoot at the first thing you see moving- like other good guys chasing down those disadvantaged rogues.

Seriously, this is a silly argument. "Being rogue is 2 hard- ubisoft plz fix." No, the answer lies in the player and not the game. It is easy to avoid going rogue and if you cannot trust yourself to shoot at the right person, then don't go after rogues, where you might accidentally shoot another vigilante and go rogue yourself.

On the other hand, if you'd like to explore all facets of the game and enjoy dabbling in a bit of mayhem- go rogue from time to time. Steal some shit and try to get an extraction. Get good.

Let's think about the bigger picture here- dumb'ing down the game for players who are already talking themselves out of the challenge of rising to the level is bad for the game. Period. Technically that's like three periods, two typed and one written but whatever.

There is no actual reason to change being rogue at all at this time, besides catering to lower skilled players who want to have the fun of higher skilled players. For the record, I am a lower skilled player but I like to earn my fun- not have it given to me with a "#1 Participant" trophy.

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