No "Serious Person" would have ever though a president would collude with Russia. How do they not get that?

Pure Gold

<Obama: Trump will not be president. <America: Hold my beer.

Except he lost the popular vote...

<We have a VERY STABLE, VERY REFLECTIVE Shitposter-in-Chief <There's absolutely no problem with his shitposts.

How presidential

<I’m a simple man. When I see liberals going on a down voting spree I upvote as many as possible.

Hating liberals > America evidently

<Libtards truly low iq

Makes you CONtards or REtards amirite?

<Good to see POTUS deploying an adverb, "I easily won". His adjective game is superb already.

When you have a 4th grade vocabulary...

<That's a fucking nuke right there.

Obvious Russian is obvious

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