[No Spoilers] AMA Request- somebody from Legendary that can give us their side of the story

I've posted this in another thread but I'll say it again here - It's a complex cultural issue within the communities that interact with G&S but it essentially boils down to this -

For everyone of us that can afford the $5, there are those that can't, or may not sufficiently be motivated to go through a paywall to see content they'd otherwise have no means whatsoever of (legal) access due to the way its' been set up.

There are community members that decided to make 12 accounts and subscribe to the G&S twitch channel simultaneously for those that couldn't as well as those that have donated very generously over the years to support the show.

Combine all of these factors and many more nuanced factors that I could not give justice to herein, it boils down to this:

Team hooman (and other related communities within the aforementioned venn diagram) are based upon Egalitarian-first ideals - inclusiveness, kindness, equality, equal opportunity, expression, and even in some cases: transcendentalism.

We.. Don't want anyone to get left behind.

I can afford the pay wall. .. But I don't want to support a project that divides the community between those that can and can't get through the pay wall.

Even for tabletop season 4 - anyone that doesn't have access to alpha won't have access to tabletop episodes until an entire month after they've aired

Even Critical Role has a solid 3 day period where everyone has the opportunity to get on the same page before the next episode airs.

Tabletop simply won't get that opportunity - and a swathe of fan interaction is going to be lost in that process.

/r/criticalrole Thread Parent