Non-Americans of Reddit, what do you think about Donald Trump?

You require video for it to be facts? How about the judicial actions, are those not facts? Pretty sure they're facts. Lots of things are facts that aren't videos. Math, mountains, computers, beer cans. These are all things that aren't videos, but totally exist. How you doing, have I lost you already?

You see, words are often used to convey concepts, that can include both physical things, as well as figurative or social concepts. Now, just because I used words doesn't mean they aren't facts. For example, we're using words now to have what's called an 'argument'. That is a fact, and yet it is impossible to put on YouTube. Is this still to hard for you?

I'll tell ya what dummy, if you can find out what mistake I made in the DCF post (cause there is one I haven't fixed yet), I'll stop thinking of you as some kind of lonely neckbeard with a helping of a third chromosome. You want to prove you're smart to an internet stranger, then you scurry along and do this.

But as long as you keep using big words only after I insult you, I'm gonna keep telling you you're dumber than a bag of falling hammers.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent