North Carolina governor declares state of emergency as new protests erupt in Charlotte

Racial subjugation is a fact in NC. McCrory and his GOP not only advocate for the suppression of blacks, they arranged the entire state into precincts where the GOP, a perpetual antagonist to the rights of minorities since Nixon, will prevail. The state government makes a mockery of democracy, routinely legislates both morality and discrimination, and is on an impressive roll of outrageous behavior.

Black North Carolinians have all the reasons other American blacks have to oppose the status quo, and I am hopeful all this strife will motivate them to get out and vote the GOP out of office this election. Historically, they have not.

I call it my home state, but I am embarrassed and disgusted by it. I fully support punitive action against it by responsible corporations doing business there and think the boycott of the state due to HB2 is effective and I'd love to see it expand. The moralizing GOP can be stopped in its christian tracks if you grab its wallet.

...and frankly, the police in America have engaged in such outrageous behavior, that there is little outrage left to feel FOR them when they are killed or injured. That's a legacy of the police state and military mentality that they probably don't consider when they stop and frisk, shoot and kill black Americans nationwide. When the ledger is a little more balanced, and when they start practicing armed restraint instead of armed aggression, they might get back some of their social shine.

Until then, I'm not shedding tears or sending flowers when one gets nailed. And I'm white. And southern. And the 12 cops injured in the riots? Oh, well. Too bad.

Equality was supposed to be here in 1865. It's 150+ years now, and we are still dealing with the shadows of flatlands NC policies of the slave era, nationwide.

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