Not enjoying this Genichiro fight. Can barely grip the controller due to sweat. Third phase very quickly destroys all the work of the previous two phases.

Whereas you're bringing this tedious, petty, performative stuff...and defending some random person who made an unwarranted attack against me.

I'm trying to tell you your negative mindset is going to hold you back when you reach bosses that are actually hard. That person wasn't making an "unwarranted attack" against you, they were making a joke about Genichiro being a skill check, because that's exactly what he is. He's designed to punish you for poor grasp of the game's fundamentals, and instead of rising to that challenge like the people here encouraged you to do, you cheesed aggressively until you won and then complained about how hard it was. It doesn't matter whether you "weren't serious," you're fostering a mindset that isn't conducive to growth.

You need to relax, dude, if you ever want to beat this game.

/r/Sekiro Thread Parent