Nothing makes you sweat like realizing you forgot to put on deodorant

Ugh ran out of deoderant on a work day, still had a little but I was using the wispy end of the can.

My coworker made me go up and down 3 flights of stairs as we were rushing to find the room where there was a presentation. Then i'm like "lets take the elevator because [explains deoderant and not wanting to sweat]" and she refused, so 2 more floors of stairs and we get there. I'm 'ok' but I feel hot and know it's right on the edge.

End up on a couch in a room full of 50 people crammed in there and the aircon is only triggering on every 5 min or so. Really feeling now. Then some very attractive person arrived late and squished in next to me on the couch. I'm there trying to mentally hold back my sweat but the more I think about it the less successful I am.

Oh well at least I can get out of here 100% anonymously and never see these people again. Then the guy giving the presentation singled me out, made me stand up, introduced me and thanked me personally for my contribution. While everyone turned around to look at me.

Wasn't my best day.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread