Now that R. Kelly is finally going to be punished for his crimes what other celebrities past or present have done immoral/illegal things that never got the attention they should have?

• during her tenure as secretary of state, hillary sent emails via a private server from her new york residence. this, in and of itself, is against protocol due to several security reasons. • hillary told the fbi she had no idea how classified intelligence worked. • hillary hid 17,448 work related emails from the state department. • hillary wiped her email again after the new york times reported her private email server. • back in 2012, four americans were killed during attacks on a us diplomatic compound in benghazi, including the then-ambassador christopher stevens. • hillary clinton’s conduct as secretary of state was bought into question due to her various email accounts and the way she used them. • hillary silenced and threatened all of the women that her husband raped. • hillary laughed about defending a child rapist. • there have been 46 mysterious deaths linked to bill and hillary clinton. • the clinton foundation accepts money from countries that murder women and homosexuals. • hillary and her campaign chairman john podesta are involved in satanic 'spirit cooking'. • there are emails that include evidence linking hillary and her associates to: perjury, money laundering, child exploitation, and sex crimes with minors.

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