(NSFW) What is the weirdest thing you walked in on someone doing?

no man, the people who are in war torn civilizations, often shit in front of each other in holes in the ground, that's if they have eaten enough to even take a shit. They just have much more pressing issues to be worried about, is my point.

this is such a stupid point though man. by this line of reasoning, no one except those people should ever complain.

I grew up poor as shit in India. some of my neighbor kids would happily shit on the road. but we didn't. it's not like we had some nice toilet with running water and a jacuzzi, we had to walk down to a nasty ass room, carry a bucket of water to basically wash away the shit after we took a shit into a sort of pile in the back of this room.

pretty gnarly. but we still didn't shit on the street like other kids, not because we cared about the neighborhood or something, but just because we liked the privacy.

your argument really doesn't make any sense to me, when you bring up "war torn civilizations". how is that relevant? we have better lives than those people, and our problems are different. doesn't mean everything is perfect and fine & dandy.

what I'm saying is, there's levels of creepy. of course kids do weird shit - they don't know better. hell, 2 or 3 year olds routinely will demand to watch their parents / siblings / people in the house shower / pee / whatever. they will demand it!! they don't know any better, and at that age, it's not sexual at all.

as they get older, they learn more. and they start to differentiate between what's ok and what's not. then bam, hormones kick in and kids start doing weird stuff. but they still need to know what's right & wrong. camping out in your neighbors bathroom so you can peek at her while she pees .. is wrong. 14 year old me would've known that's pretty awful. my creepy as middle school friends would know it's wrong.

only the creepiest dudes - the ones who remained pretty fuckin foul to this day - would do it.

PS. you should watch this movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Grew_Tired_of_Us man, your understanding of "war torn civilizations" is completely, utterly off. people don't completely lose their sense of self, they don't completely lose dignity, just because their environment is wrecked. hell, watch the documentary and you'll realize right off the bat: even with all the amazing modern conveniences they are given suddenly in the US, these lost boys still feel like there's a lot missing, that there's something off about their lives. people have culture, they have dignity, they have a lot even if their country is fucked.

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