[nsfw] What's the best true story you can tell me about your life?

I helped deliver 9 puppies between classes in college. I lived in a rental house with a couple roommates, and our adopted dog Roxy. Roxy was gifted to us after the family that lived next door to us disintegrated/fell apart. The husband tried to kill himself with carbon monoxide, and my roommates and I saved his life with CPR/911 call. We were leaving to go to Chili's (very stoned) and saw our neighbor face down halfway out of his front door with the door just open. So we jumped out and started giving him CPR and called an ambulance. He lived, but the family fell apart after this, and one day the doorbell rang and it was the wife and kids asking if we would adopt Roxy. We already loved Roxy (a boxer) and had been sneaking her over to our patio at night to hang out with us etc.. She stayed chained up in this circle; all the grass was dead in a perfect circle where she could go on the chain. We hated seeing a dog treated that way, so it was fate when we were given her by the family. Anywho, fast forward a few months and Roxy had gotten knocked up by a neighborhood dog while tied up to our back porch one afternoon (she was outside to go to the bathroom etc.. she lived inside before anyone asks; she was our baby). So now she's pregnant, fast forward to the Big Day, and she's as big as dorm room fridge. I'm getting some Orange Juice out of the fridge, and I hear a splat. I close the fridge and realize her water broke. Neither other roommate is home or will be for hours. I quickly googled some stuff on my laptop (circa 2006-7 ish) about dog child birth and got in there. I helped her deliver about 5 puppies before a roommate showed up a plastic kiddie pool that we quickly turned into the birthing area. I then tell my roommate everything I know and have learned, say "I gotta go to class" and head to campus on the other side of town. I do my lab and finish up and head back home within probably an hour or so. When I got back I helped deliver probably 2-3 puppies, one of which, we're just standing there talking, my roommate and I, and one second there wasn't an 8th puppy, and the next second a puppy just popped out in hilarious fashion booop. We kept the puppies as long as possible but had to give them up as we were never supposed to have 1 dog in our house according to our lease, let alone 10. After school, a roommate took Roxy to live with him in Colorado. She passed away a year or so ago, and I miss her......Still love Boxers; such sweet dogs

/r/AskReddit Thread