[NSFW] What's the biggest bullet you've dodged?

A few years ago during college, 2:30am Thanksgiving morning. My best friend and I along with our DD was on our way to return to my buddy's house from the bar and the DD (let us call this asshole, David) swore he was sober to drive. Turns out he wasn't, slinging shots down across the bar from us. He was driving 50mph in a 25 limit neighborhood and hit a patch of ice on the road. Unable to gain control, he drove into a wooden electric pole with the passenger side (me) taking most of the impact. I didn't realize it at the time but my entire face hit the windshield - leaving a face imprint before the airbag plopped me back into the carseat. Gotta love seatbelts. Anyways, both David and my best friend walk away with a few bruises and my entire right eye is jacked up and bleeding. Drunk and stupid, we fled to my buddy's place which ended up being 200ft away from the accident site. Anyway David is now crying like a little boy that got his toy taken away because his car is now totaled and can't get home. No remorse for lying about being sober and putting his "friends" lives at risk, it was quite eye opening to see someone's true colors come out. We watched David's car being towed away from the comfort of my buddy's living room and all David went hysterical. He called his girlfriend thinking that he is now going to get a DD and maybe jail time. He then got a call from our town's police station and he bolted out of the house. A few hours later I had to face my parents about my eye. I knew they would be pissed that I got into a car with a drunk driver so I lied about some bar story where a guy threw a bottle at me and hit my face. Forgetting the fact that my father was not an idiot, he later pulled me aside and said that the scratches on my face couldn't possibly come from a bottle and demanded the truth. Knowing that I could not bullshit a retired Army Captain a second time, I spewed out the whole story. He calmly stated that it wasn't my fault and even paid for the hospital visit about my eye. He recommended using the medical information for insurance purposes and got an nice settlement from David parent's insurance company. As for jackass lying, David? Turns out he got tickets for leaving an accidents and others with no DD and a totaled car. Never heard from him again, not even an apology for lying or asking if we were okay. Heard from an old high school friend that David has hitting the bars by himself now a days trying to plot his next move. Biggest double bullet I have ever dodged: Losing a shitty DD while gaining his parent's settlement along with the wrath of my father about his personal hatred of drunk driving.

/r/AskReddit Thread