Nudists of Reddit, what taboos or no-no's exist in Nudist culture?

Not a nudist (and probably not helpful), but I have friends that are. Basically it's cover your erection, sit on a towel, and clean up after yourself. I read a lot of comments talking about how judgemental nudists tend to be and it's definitely not the case in all situations. When going to see my friends, a lot of the neighbors tend to look at me funny because I am normally clothed unless I have been around a day or two. Keep in mind that the community near me is a lot less strict than most. After going a few times you get used to being around so many naked bodies and stop blushing or locking eyes with one-eyed snakes. Some of the people that have seen me come and go a lot have accepted that I am not a nudist and started treating me as a normal human being, but I still get funny looks. True story: I wasn't aware that adulthood had stolen all my friend's clothes until the first time I went to see him, in which case I stared straight forward while entering the community. When we got into his house, I kept swallowing my own spit and sweating because I was so uncomfortable with the looks his wang was giving me.

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