Number names in Europe

As a Romanian, I am amazed at the connections I could create with all the origins except Ancient Greek by looking at the "zero" map legend.

For example:

- we say "nul" to refer to something without value, inexistent or cancelled.

- we say "nici" (pronounced exactly like "nič" in Slovenian) to imply absolute absence of something: "niciun(a)" - none, "niciodată" - never etc. or to enhance negation: "nici nu am auzit" - I did not even hear

- we say "nimeni" (which sounds a lot like "neimní" / "neamhní") to refer to no one, nobody.

All of these are some forms of zero - zero value, zero times, zero people. And then we have "cifre" meaning numbers, definitely imported from arabic "șifr" via French "chiffre".

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