Nun's try and "cleanse" a man just for having piercings

Why such a negative tone?

Have you looked around in the comments? Have you seen the comments.

Have you been on reddit for a while? These type of posts pop up from time to time and are filled with anti-religion comments.

The problem with this post is that it's some random gif of which we know literally nothing, except for what OP implies with the title. We don't know anything about this man or these three women. We don't know what they're doing, why they're doing it, we don't know whether it's real or whether it's a scene.

There's nothing here, be it positive or negative, because we don't know anything that's going on. Yet the comments are filled with bigoted statements.

I'm an atheist and I think the nuns gesture whatever it is seems nice. They care for the rocker dude and he cares for them.

I'm not saying anything about atheists or atheism. I'm referring to /r/atheism. In case you don't know that yet, /r/atheism is even hated on by many atheists as it's nothing but a circlejerk of anti-religion bashing and nothing more.

Also, it's cool that you interpret this gif as something nice. But obviously most people in this post doesn't. The thing is, it's weird either way because none of us know what's going on in the gif, nor do we know the context of it.

You re just some butthurt fellow looking for a conflict. Settle down. There is nothing to be angry about.

How do you not see the hypocrisy of your comment? You know how many comments I had to downvote and/or report in this post alone? Filled with insults, bigotry, and even racism. Yet here you are, without at all knowing my intentions or thoughts, and passing judgement on me.

If there's nothing to be angry about, why don't you just carry on instead of fueling the fire?

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