NYT News: Azov - only a minority of them are nationalists, most just want to defend their country.

We have fundamentally different views about democracy. Let's not go there.

Number 2, those goals are still political goals - I'm not contrading to you, you just seem to be trying to take me to task for no reason there.

Number 3, you have missed my point, or I didn't make it clear enough. Let's not get into the weeds about all the different so-called "far right" factions mentioned there. Broadly, when the establishment wants to demonize someone - they are described as "enemies of democracy" and there is an effort to portray them as "white supremacists" or "neo-Nazis" (whether they are indeed Unite The Right, white nationalists proper, or not). The political and media establishment tries to establish a very obvious, albeit hysterical/cartoonish, link in people's minds between these various people and their verboten views, and the evil moustache man of history. Basically, they make it clear they are white people with racialised political views, which is dangerous, and therefore cannot be tolerated, because Hitler.

The same Western regmines then apparently support Ukraine, a country which (for good or ill) employs card-carrying Nazis to do their bidding. To be clear, I'm more interested in this from a Western perspective than a Ukrainian one. It's interesting how our own leadership can take such hypocritical position about the worst ideology in the world, and make all these claims about what it stands for in this post-WW2 paradigm, and then, in the next breath, want to be viewed as legitimate when attemping to portray Putin as a maniacal, evil force whose ideas and actions are incompatible with a peace and freedom and democracy and all that jazz.

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