American UH-60A Blackhawk in service with the Ukrainian HUR MO

I don't mean to be rude but have you not been following the war at all?

Restriction of what western offensive systems and tech has been pretty much the biggest discussion around the conflict since it started.

Every time they talk about giving them some new thing they don't have, we're also discussing unblocking them from purchasing those items and the associated logistics parts and processes that need to be incorporated into their military.

All that tank talk for months was about that, especially Germany. Not wanting to allow the use of leopards.

Providing HIMARS was instrumental in stopping the Russian offensive, they neutralized Russian warehouses in range and it instantly doubled their supply line routes. US only have Ukraine rockets that shoot 60 miles, we have ordinance we can give them that would stretch 190 mi, easily decimating their entire supply route back to the border and completely fucking them. We haven't done that because Biden has been incredibly clear Since the conflict started that he doesn't want to give Ukraine offensive weapons that can easily strike inside of Russia to avoid escalation in a way that would encourage escalation. That's the same reason they refused to give the f16 currently.

We have shifted since our delivery of MBTs, now at least HIMARS are getting some GLSDBs with a 90 mile range.

As an American, I agree and am upset that we are slow rolling the support and assets we provide the Ukrainians, but really, You want a lift all sales restrictions from them? Let's give em a nuke! They actually aren't that expensive, they could definitely afford that and a launcher.

Also one thing not discussed often is that We sometimes block those sales because our own analysts don't think the Ukrainians logistics can sustain an influx of all the material and training they need to keep all those advanced things running, aircraft are a nightmare; It's the primary reason we didn't want to give them our mtb.

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