Obama: Trump, Unlike Romney or McCain, Is 'Uniquely Unqualified' Opponent

It's insane how we've waded so far out into the weeds of personality politics in this election cycle that nobody even talks about this.

There is a ladder of experiences to be climbed before you reach the Oval Office -- this is just self evident -- and there are many ways up it. Elected experience on a municipal, county, state or national level; working in a state or federal legislature; agency appointments; even military service can be beneficial, but by and large it's about demonstrating a history of time spent answering to constituents and affecting a broad range of public facing policy.

Serving people through the same apparatus of which you're asking to be given the top office. Even Obama who's elected experience was admittedly thinner than most had over a decade of experience as an Illinois state lawmaker and United States senator.

This dude is seventy and he hasn't done fucking shit, and no being muh businessman doesn't cut it especially when he won't even divulge his tax situation to voters and just tells us to believe him.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - nbcnews.com