[Offer] Steam Sale Giveaway, Day Six

Happy Birthday /u/CrObInStInE! Don't you love having your bday next to Christmas? Mine's in a week and people like us always get ripped off by family during Christmas. I just love getting presents that say HAPPY BIRTHDAY/MERRY CHRISTMAS! Don't you? Anyways, hope its a exceptionally positive year for you! .................................................................................................................................................................................. Scary Christmas Monster? Nothing is more merrier this holiday season than jolly ole' SANTA Cthulhu!

He knows when you're a sleep, for your soul he is to keep! Bringing all the Christmas fun, for you should allllll better run! Santa Cthulhu has been summoned, Toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! .................................................................................................................................................................................. The awesome game I am after,

THIS WAR OF MINE - My most requested game this year :D https://www.humblebundle.com/store/p/thiswarofmine_storefront Currently on Sale at the HumbleBundle storefront!

I have been completely blown away ever since I saw this game pop up on the steam store. I added it to my wishlist the moment I watched the first video clip.

I am so intrigued by the unique play mechanics as well as the completely original concept. The fact that you must battle greed and necessity, combat starvation and sickness, ultimately to survive on the sidelines of a cold and brutal war.

I was reading a recent player account where a man was struggling to survive with a few other people and they had found a shelter, defenses, as well as a sense of hope.

The survivors had made a safe haven for themselves with food and security, and everything was going perfectly. One night one of the members went out at night and was killed when they stumbled upon a stranger.

Discovering that the rest of the party was emotionally devastated and mourned the death of this lost member made my jaw drop. It really opened my eyes to how emotionally engaging the developers wanted This War Of Mine to be.

I have been playing different games recently that have dealt with the end of the world in many different aspects, but I can tell you this, I have never experienced anything like what This War Of Mine promises.

Thank you very much for these great offers each day!

Happy Holidays! :D


/r/GiftofGames Thread