Office Gift Collections

Yeah, this is weird. Like you said, “life event” or birthday collections are fine if they’re done with no expectations.

But anything to do with celebrating someone’s professional events should be on the company. After all, if Mary exceeds her sales goals or Fred lands a big contract, you don’t pony up for a cake, or a trophy at the annual awards. So if Mary reaches her 10-year anniversary it’s odd to ask employees to cover that.

My only caveat might be if it’s a very small workplace where nothing is “centralized.” Then maybe it makes sense to ask the 8 employees to chip in $5 for something. Not a lot of sense, and id still push back a little, but if it’s like three of you, and it’s a small business? That makes more sense then some giant conglomerate or something asking the office folks to shell out money for prizes.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread