Official Discussion: The Hateful Eight (Roadshow 70mm Cut) [SPOILERS]

My first thoughts/feelings after watching The Hateful Eight today:

The second half/ending, for me, does not compensate the first 90 minutes of confused patience and anticipation... during this time, the acting, the cinematography, the awesome dialogue, and this "remain attentive, Tarantino knows his shit, wait for that beautiful twist..." is what held my attention. I eventually realized this movie was going to be like Reservoir Dogs... and I felt prepared for a disappointment because it did not feel right, I did not feel sensitized to TH8's characters, and unlike all other Tarantino films. That was a problem.

The Hateful Eight currently feels like a sort of interlude in Tarantino's filmography... like Death Proof. However I am not as disappointed by Death Proof as I am by The Hateful Eight, because so much hype went into The Hateful Eight - 70mm exclusive screenings, glorious production and cinematography, the casting. Wow, I say. the story of The Hateful Eight, in which all of the production/post-production elements revolve around, MUST be astounding! just like Basterds, just like Django. Unfortunately not... My expectations were not at all lineated with what the movie actually is, and i think that's why many others feel confused and disappointed. you'll have to have low Tarantino expectations or a second & open minded revisit to really appreciate and enjoy The Hateful Eight.

(I will, out of much respect to Tarantino's work, see the movie one or two more times before I come to a final conclusion on my opinion of the movie. Also because I feel that my expectations amped up the disappointment. I think that, with a better approach, I will understand the movie's whole point and composition much better and I will absorb much more positive elements and let go of the negative, especially after one viewing.)

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