The official portrait of some guy who sucks

I wouldn't have cared much about Donald Trump if it weren't for his Twitter.

Every time he opens his mouth both physically and digitally, it's an insult to the intelligence of anyone who sees it. Not to mention it's mostly insults that come out of his mouth.

Through Twitter alone, he has shown he has no loyalty, no discretion, no hesitation, and no goddamned respect for anyone but himself.

If you look at that shit every day, and say "That's it. That's the shit I like, he should be in charge of, fuck, everything!" well then I just don't know what to say.

If you're anti-establishment, you got duped, straight up. Look at his cabinet picks and tell me if you truly feel the swamp has been drained.

If you're a republican, this man stands for nothing your party believes in. Family values to Trump means assessing the financial wealth of his children.

If you're a prejudiced xenophobe, well shit, an illegal immigrant is about to become FLOTUS and live in a golden tower on your dime.

I can really only understand solely supporting Trump if, as Alfred says, you want to watch the world burn. However, that doesn't make you edgy and cool like Ledger's Joker. That just makes you a fucking asshole with no regard for your fellow man unless they stand by you.

Lastly, Inb4 someone mentions my triggered liberal snowflake tears, I'm a registered independent who is just trying to make sense of the Shit Creek our country turned into after the election.

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