How Long Do You Have to Live Here Before You Can Bitch About Seattle's Most Annoying Qualities?

Oh yeah! And to to add additional proof that the webs between my toes have been earned, I might as well add some more whiney crap to the steaming pile of useless garbage I've begun to construct. But what to add when I've lost interest in usual litany of whining comprised of broken escalators, rising rents, blocking the box, left lane campers, non headlight users, spandex mafia vs entitled sov drivers, eat the rich, fuck the demonstrators, homeless meth campers, racist this and that, transit, blah blah blahbity blah blah?

Oh hey, I know. A day in the life continues.

The high for the day was successfully refilling the holding tank. Woofuckinghoo. Now I'll have running water for another month. By the time I have to fill it again it should be February and with any luck next time I crawl out of this floating prison for that joyful little task I should be able to do so with a mouthful of cheap valentines chocolate. But hey. Dont get me wrong, living on a sailboat ain't so bad. Who hasn't moved to seattle, gone down to the marinas, looked out at all the masts and fallen for the romance of living on a boat? Unless of course like me, two of your greatest fears in life are drowning or being eaten by sharks, which was pointed out to me the other day. And my only responce was that I'm not likely to drown in the marina? And when summer comes and I'm out sailing again I'll be attached to the boat by a jack line, so if I go over board and I'm drowning or being eaten by non existent puget sound sharks at least I won't be watching my boat sail off without while doing so. But I digress.

The day's chores didn't end there. I decided after all that I should go the store, because cigarettes and salami were running dangerously low. Sounds good right? Where's the problem you might ask? I'll tell you what the fucking problem is. I forgot to get the motherfucking coffee! I mean wtf? But hey, no problem, let me just put these groceries away and go up to the ice machine and get some ice. Oh no, the ice machine is out of order, so I'll have to go to the store and buy over priced ice. Wouldn't you know it? It's been so cold over most of the last two months that I've only spent about $3 on ice the whole time. The ice just wouldn't melt. But now it's been a little warmer for a few days, which I and I imagine everyone else living on a boat are grateful for, the ice is melting. Perfect, now that I finally need ice the machine is broken and I'm too fucking stupid to check on that before going to the store. What, it couldn't have broken any time in the last two months when I really didn't need ice? Oh just fuck me already and get it done with.

Why stop there though, since I'm already being productive. How about I empty the garbage, which sits inside a locker accessed from the cockpit (outside for you non sailors). No I generally don't have to go outside to toss garbage. There's a nice little cabinet door in the bulkhead to feed garbage through, provided it's not too large to fit through the hole. If it's too large it has to be kept by the hatch so a dummy like me doesn't forget to take it out when I climb out if my hole. But it's important to keep it emptied, because if it reaches the too a real pain in the ass can ensue when I empty my ashtray. The butts might bounce off the top and land so far down that I have to stretch further than humanly possible to reach them and pick them up. Today there were no butts, but there was one line coffee stir stick down there. Bastard! Fuck it, let it stay there until spring for all I care. I'm not climbing down there in this fucking weather. No I don't use them for coffee, only hot chocolate which I have recently rediscovered. But that brings me to another idiocy thst I have imposed upon myself.

I'm coming up on two months without drinking. Oh that's a good thing you might say. But I find myself wondering what kind of an idiot lives in Seattle and chooses not to drink? It seems to me that alcohol ought to be considered a basic food group for a seattleite. This depressing shithole would drive the fucking pope to drink. Ah but don't get me wrong. This shithole is actually a fairly comfy city to live in and gawd knows this place is one of the coolest places in the world to live if you like to sail. Wait, this piss poor excuse for a rant is getting too positive. I better stop and go see what other things life will give me to bitch about today.

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