Official response about DPS meter - "No."

an unofficial DPS meter not supported by anet

I feel that keyword is an important distinction.

Unofficial programs are vulnerable to criticism of being flawed and/or unsanctioned. Passionate folks who seek it out are more likely to keep its use to inner circles and the courtesies expected in those relationships. Meanwhile, arrogant players who misuse it to kick people arbitrarily are kept low in number due to lack of confidence.

An official one holds the confidence of Arena Net, would result in widespread use, leading people who would otherwise be more patient or reserved in judgement to become more cutthroat as the perceived importance of numbers is overwhelming. Opportunity for positive social interaction would be significantly reduced - Where players would originally try to form a rapport with each other and nurture each other as fellow raiders, they would start listing numbers instead, establish a hierarchy, and muzzle conversation. The tendency for misinterpretation of numbers is staggering as evidenced in toehr MMOs.

Often times, players forget that a part of the raiding experience which makes it so famous is the process of meeting new people, cooperating to improve as a whole, and succeeding thereafter. An official meter flies against that concept by enabling the active practice of treating players as interchangeable.

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