Ok quarantine sucks, but what is something good that has come out of it for you?

It's a perfect storm for all sorts of opportunists. See what each player has to gain.

  • Medical people get a rush of self-importance whilst the workload is decreased up to 40%

  • Epidemiologists no longer need to explain they don't "study spiders"

  • People who crave excitement. I'm experiencing history! weeeee!

  • Checkout girls are Corona Heroes.

  • People who gain a sense of self-importance from being a corona evangelist.

  • Makers of masks and perspex shielding and floor marking think social distancing is swell.

  • People who now work from home think quarantine is swell.

  • Sunk Cost Fallacy -- too many bad decisions by authorities to turn back or regroup

  • Teaching staff are isolated by Zoom from classrooms filled with savages

  • People who are struggling with acceptance can use masks to feel a sense of group membership

  • People with social anxiety can hide behind a mask

  • Creation of public unrest to undermine the current administration

  • Creation of public unrest that can then be channeled for ulterior motives

  • People have a human need to moralise. "You do not wear a mask. You are the perverted deviant now".

/r/AskReddit Thread