Whether You Think He’s Guilty or Not: What’s Something Adnan Says That Makes You Think “Oh my gosh Adnan you’re literally incriminating yourself.”

October 23, 2014

  • Before any mention of Bilal on the podcast, /u/sachabacha posts this thread on reddit. While many of the comments are deleted, Yusuf, Rabia and Tanveer all wrote that they thought /u/sachabacha was Bilal.

December 18, 2014: Episode 12: What We Know:

Dana Chivvis

Adnan has always said it was his idea to loan Jay the car because he wanted Jay to go get Stephanie a birthday present, right? So, that’s pretty crappy luck that you loaned this guy, who ends up pointing the finger at you for the murder that you loaned him your car and cell phone the day your ex-girlfriend goes missing. The next thing is that it seems pretty clear to me that Adnan asked Hae for a ride after school, because we’ve got at least two of their friends saying they overheard him ask for a ride from Hae. Adnan himself tells the cop that day he asked her for a ride. In Jay’s first interview with the detectives, he says to them: “Adnan’s plan was to get in Hae’s car by telling her that his car was broken down and asking her for a ride.”

Then the next piece of bad luck is the Nisha call. I mean, even if the Nisha call could potentially be a butt dial, in the realm of possibility, maybe it was a butt dial, but what are the chances? That sucks for you that your phone butt dialed a girl that only you know and would call on this day that your ex-girlfriend goes missing that you happen to loan your car and your phone out to the guy who ends up pointing the finger at you. That sucks. Then the last thing that I think really sucks for him if he’s innocent is that Jay’s story and the cell phone records match up from about six o’clock to about eight o’clock which is when Jay is saying you are burying the body, and that’s the time of the day you just have no memory of where you were. You have your dad saying you were at the mosque, and maybe Bilal your youth leader--

Sarah Koenig

Who never testifies.

Dana Chivvis

--who never testifies at the trial, but testifies at the grand jury, that--

Sarah Koenig

He says he saw him after dark at the mosque on the thirteenth.

Dana Chivvis

But you, Adnan, you don’t really remember where you were that evening, and that blank spot in your memory, that’s the window of time when Jay’s story actually does seem to be corroborated by the cell phone records.

January 4, 2015

  • After the podcast wrapped, this was posted on reddit. Mr. B could be a reference to Bilal, but that is not known for certain.

March 8, 2015

Wednesday, March 12, 2015

May 17, 2015

/r/serialpodcast Thread Parent