Olympus Pen EES-2

Let me address the first image. Your camera has either the 28mm lens or the 30mm lens. because the lens is fixed often this mean you'll have to position yourself or position the subject within that range. This is a common mistake for fixed range lenses as they don't always focus on the subject. In image 1 it shows that the building is in focus but the foreground plants are not. That's because the building is within a focus range based on your lens. using a fixed lens for multiple range or focal distance is very difficult. As for the second image I suspect that your hands were not steady enough for the lower film. The other issue and I'm not aware if you camera has an adjustable aperture.. if it does then you should adjust the aperture open as to allow more light doing this will also help distant focusing issues. Then of course, there's the issue with using the right film at the right time of day or night.

/r/AnalogCommunity Thread