Be on guard people, they're back

Again, I never claimed they actually got a sub banned

And they did get other subreddits banned, for example r/coomers.

So which one is it?

Because members literally said that's what they were going to do.

Did you actually see those accounts that were posting CP? All of them had left a couple messages on AHS and then proceeded to spam CP on random subs. If that doesn't look like a false flag to you, I don't know what to tell you.

Because there are literally screenshots from a member within the group?

The only one I saw is a screenshot of a discord convo, which was both easily fakable and with a photoshopped message (check the failed red message, it is not aligned properly).

Because their bans never say ANYTHING much about why a sub was banned.

They literally do. This is how a sub banned for CP looks like.

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