On the subject of "teaching" men not to rape and "victim" blaming

We should always, always focus on the prevention of rape. That is a two way street: Continuing to raise our boys into responsible men that respect women, and continuing to raise our girls into responsible women who engage in preventative behavior. Focusing on either one of these things will never eliminate the scourge of sexual violence. Only when we both, men and women, focus on BOTH will we reduce substantially or eliminate sexual violence.

As to the topic, I think substantial progress is being made. With the recent sexual revolution of women shedding 'shame' about their sexuality and the information age both upon us, more outlets are available than ever to acquire new information. We aren't as limited as are parents were, nor were they as limited as their's before them. We have access to better, cheaper medicine. I think the reporting, the investigation, and prosecution of these crimes will continue to be better and more sophisticated.

Many of these topics are really, really tricky. You're bringing up really good points. False attacks on men who were told 'yes' when the woman really meant 'no', morning after attacks when a woman realizes that she's cheated or will be ostracized for the sex she had the night before that lead to accusations: these things are terrifying for most men, as most of us are pretty good guys and would never want to harm a woman.

So here's some advice for the men of reddit: don't stick your **** in crazy. Your chances of being falsely accused of rape drop significantly if you don't go running around doing dumb stuff. Then again, now we're victim blaming. The world sucks, can't everyone just behave? :(

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread