The ongoing situation in Hong Kong

I found this to be a gross political miscalculation from Carrie Lam combined with not only her weak backbone in facing the protest- her suspension of the extradition bill short of a withdrawal likely strengthened today’s protest as success breeds success -, but also the strong political resolve of the HK people- notably their extreme mistrust of mainland China partially caused by HK’s increasing financial difficulties amongst the youth population, the decline of HK economic importance since being handed off to the PRC in 1992, and also increasing antagonism towards encroachment on HK status-quo autonomy. Considering the size of this protest for an extradition bill, the notably youth leaning demographic of this protest and overall unpopularity of the PRC, this brings to question what will occur on the 2047 end-date. Overall, i believe that this will lead to a rethinking of “one country, two systems” amongst the upper echelons of the CCP but reintegration will still continue as HK is integral to China’s sovereignty- historically and politically. However, a lesson to be learned is that that integrations must be more gradual and more low-key. If anything, the central government must improve the image of mainland China in HK through focusing on mainland connectivity and economic conditions to help foster complicity.

/r/geopolitics Thread