Ooof shots fired!

This anti-America, anti-capitalism, anti-Christianity, anti-army shit is getting really old. There's a sliver of truth to some of it, but it's just mindless whining. We get it it. You're on reddit so that makes you really smart.

You haven't done anything yourselves though. The army has brought relative peace and order to the world since WW2, an unprecedented level of progress and stability. You only focus on the times they were "too harsh." Christianity delivered us from a time when humans sacrificed each other and preyed on each other to a time where people generally try to see each other as fellow humans. You only focus on the times they've been hypocritical, like all humans. America is the backbone of the global economy and has delivered a great standard of living to billions of people, both inside and outside the United States. You just focus on the imperfections. You lay into anyone who has accomplished anything purely because they're not perfect. But you're all shit. You share shitty art, bitch about nothing, and try to draw attention to yourselves. Sure, there may be problems with all these people. They're just not as bad as redditors. You seriously sound like a broken record, and what's worse is that you're young people who don't care about being cool. It's really pathetic. You're wasting your youth being boring, woke losers. A lot of you are also fat, which is also sad.

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