Open letter: Psyonix, If you want to keep growing rocket league, you need to change.

I used to play rocket league nearly every day. I'd always find time for at least an hour. Then crates came out. I was wary, but it didn't seem too bad at the time. I had gotten the game for free and put hundreds of hours into it so i threw $20 into keys. Then it started affecting matches. People would stop playing the game to talk about trades post match. Then afk farmers started popping up. A few more updates came out that continually failed to address ongoing problems while funneling more resources into the lootcrate shit. I think I've played for a total of 5 hours in the past 2 years. It's still the same shit except now the player base appears to have become more toxic than before. I wish I could go back to rocket league when it felt fun.

/r/RocketLeague Thread