Open Letter to

Let me preface this with a disclaimer. I don't have a dog in this fight. I do all my purchasing on the local level and I find the idea of purchasing something and having someone else store it to insane, and I would never do business with any of these companies over the internet, regardless. My concern here is purely academic in regards to the presentation of the argument and it's rebuttals. I have no issue with challenging either side.

The major difference here is we aren't potentially giving OP thousands of dollars. A fact is a fact regardless of who says it. If I tell you 2+2=4, that is a fact and who am I'm does not change that. But we can break it down like this:

Just think of what can happen with bullion companies (ex: Tulving, BullionDirect). A request to remember the recent past when what appeared to be a solid company, turned out not to be.

SDbullion instead gives alias names ("The Doc" and "BullRun") and what I believe to be misrepresentations of their credentials. The first part of this is a statement of fact, they do indeed use aliases. The second part, is an opinion, and is stated as such. OP did not say "they did X", merely that they believe something. He then presented what he had learned, his interpretation and you are welcome to take it or leave it. The attempt to discredit (not saying you did that) or disregard something because of who says it is a logical fallacy.

It is quite easy to locate JM Bullion (Dallas Texas) and their managers, I found it in less than a minute. And why would I need to know who their employees or other staff members are. OP's concern was about the lack of transparency about who runs the company and their qualifications. This is another logical fallacy, that of false equivocation.

Finally, you said Since the op is pointing fingers for using aliases but does not identify who they are. Again, the fallacy here is that the statements are of no value because OP does not identify themself. If the statements were nothing but opinion, you would kind of have a point because why should I value a person's opinion who may or may not be as qualified as I am on a subject. A witch hunt involves directing people to action. Sharing your opinion, sharing facts and drawing correlations are not a witch hunt.

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