Opinion - Google needs next generation games from November

Currently am using Stadia because my PC is arse and my xbox has seen better days for sure and just is a dedicated Netflix box by now.

When I tried stadia the first time I was amazed. It was working flawlessly.

Collected games with the pro sub for months now, but mostly am being interested in coop/ multiplayer games.

Already was conderned when I was not finding lobbies for any of the coop pro games I tried to play but didn't worry too much since they were mostly indie titles.

Bough Avengers and ended up not playing the game due to not finding people to play with.

Got 20 people on my friendlist by now, but either they are not on when I am or it's hard to organize grouping up when you cannot even use a basic chat to do just that.

So yeah, 5 days ago I've bought this new AAA coop title and am currently not playing it because coop games are no fun playing alone.

What's everyone's thoughts on this?

Currently undecided whether to settle for PS5 or seriesX....and once they got their respective cloud services up and running, even better.

/r/Stadia Thread