Opinions on this matter with my boyfriend.

Yeah, I mean I'm just trying to figure this whole thing out really and get some opinions before I bring it up. This is a pretty delicate situation and want to approach it correctly.

Like I don't care if he slept with someone else, like whatever it's 2017 were gay men, the chance your partner will cheat on you is high in gay relationships now a days so it really wouldn't bother me. What would bother me if he did, is that I at the beginning of all this was nudging for an open relationship and he was really against it because he's done it before and he wanted "us" to be really organic and really love each other to which I agreed with. That'd would piss me the fuck off because shit, I've never been in an Ldr I wanna get laid dude and if I'm holding out and he isn't even tho it was his idea to hold out I'd be fucken livid.

In a way, I hope he's cheating so I have an excuse to dump him. I love him, he's an awesome guy, but my life's a mess and I got outta a 2 year relationship in March and just jumped back into something.

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