Opinions on .NET MAUI / what do Xamarin Devs have to say

Really what knowledge do you share with building fronted on c# that you couldn’t share with other lang like typescript… reflection, lack of discrimination union, subtypes, and catching Exception Ex? Just kidding, I don’t see a reason, it’s artificial for me and it’s like you don’t really know what the real reason is when building software is, learning new language that is so similar is easy and you shouldn’t avoid it, You probably doing it because someone said to business it’s easier single code base, cheaper etc. but in practice if you tried the tooling for building software and for managing all packages, dependences you would miss it in .net .net fan club here, I work with similar people and see you like them. You have probably limited knowledge about programming in general and know one land only and poorly. Probably also have misconceptions about actor model also to that level that you are starting asking question like “is microservices better that akka” etc

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