Our gameplay in a nutshell: Copy & Paste the World. Everything is handdrawn and can be swapped from one thing to another.

I've seen it so many times on this sub.

It hits r/all in a flash. Comments pour in, upvotes skyrocket.. and it makes you go "..what?". Not because the game looks bad, or because people genuinely think the game is cool... but because it's always these exact posts that have this abnormal flush of hollow comments and speedy upvoting. It's just too weird and rhythmic.

Like This

Or This

Maybe This?

aaand This

Oh, and this

Always the same things: Indie/small team. No game title in the title (which is used to skirt around the "rules" of no excessive advertising). Comments that easily set the OP up to answer.. Then you get sketpic comments like ours, and when you point this stuff out, someone will chime in with "but I'm not a bot" or "oh, because I like the game I'm a bot?" not really understanding the point.. I mean, lol, it's the same every damn time.

I've got nothing against the game, or real people who like it. My issue is with the obvious bad faith advertising. I think it's wrong, and feel like it crosses the line. I don't care if it's something trivial like a video game, or something more serious; It's wrong any time bots are used to try and sway people, and inflate a positive opinion. If you're alright with it here, then you're alright with it period.

These posts need to be flaired as advertisement at the very least. Why these specific posts get to slide on that is obvious beyond me

/r/gaming Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it