Users on r/survivor get into it over child porn, the ends up as a victim blaming argument

Obviously yes. Honestly it's very disgusting for you to suggest otherwise.

Just going with the proof.

I'm aware of that it's more prevalent to women. It's also more prevalent in my mother country than yours and in lower economic areas like what I live in. Steven Avery probably knows more about being wrongfully convicted than I do even though the rates suggest that since hes white and I'm black it should be the other way around.

"Women have it bad elsewhere so I actually understand rape better than women in America"

Not how it works.

That's not what I said at all. I fully mentioned high profile cases.

Why do those cases allow you to subvert rule of law? Cosby isn't even in court yet.

And you essentially called me a sociopath for only discussing those and others that hit near home. In fact in another part of the comment you mention it.

Yes, because rape victims matter who weren't victimized by Cosby or someone you know.

Believe it or not once you hit your teens having a girlfriend is pretty easy to do and when you hit your 20s you can have a very serious relationship with them that enriches your life.

So other than your sexism, what's your excuse?

Where did I say not to talk about things?

In your screed about people commenting without being on a jury or personally involved.

See the word woman implies adult and it seems to me like you've recently graduated from spongebob.

Familiar school of learning for you?

Here's proof. Not only am I black but I'm pretty dark skinned too.

I didn't say you weren't black, I said you think your skin qualifies you to talk about issues primarily affecting vaginas. More than those vagina owners, in fact.

Also look, your girlfriend!

Yes my great privilege of being born in a country with serious crime and poverty problems to the point where my parents left for our own safetly. My privilege of people I know literally being beheaded by gangs. My great privilege of being an immigrant.

Plenty of such people are still misogynistic and racist. See: New Year's rapes in Germany.

Honestly you are a very disturbingly vitriolic and ignorant person that's going to go through life wondering why people don't like you.

People duslike people that side with rapists more, I promise.

Hopefully you get help or are just a troll trying to get under my skin.

It is funny to get sexist dumbasses riled up.

I'm not happy

I have more productive things to do with my time

Apparently not; you're so ass mad you even bothered to make a sign, take and upload a picture, just to prove a nonexisting point. Go hump your pillow and calm down kid.

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