Palestinian disguised as a journalist stabs Israeli soldier near Hebron

I didn't mention this at first but having grown up around hardcore labor Zionists who lived on kibbutzim, reading books, and going to a hardcore Jewish university where I was saturated in this conflict nonstop, I don't need left wing Zionism explained to me or why it's going out of fashion. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they aren't at the same level of knowledge you are or aren't as capable of rational thinking, okay?

I think we both know that Zionism began in the context of 19th century "Blut und Eisen" nationalism and that German people today feel viscerally uncomfortable admitting they even read Goethe and Schiller. I think we also both know that Herzl himself had this huge fucking White Savior complex and believed the Arabs would love to live under Jewish rule because of the economic "benefits" they'd bring, and he's still Israel's George Washington.

Product of his times? Yeah, no shit. Times that most people on this planet would rather not remember. Which is why the so-called "socialist" Zionists in 1948 felt perfectly fine driving Palestinian peasants off their land when they decided to remain in their benighted, medieval Islamic ways rather than be part of an Eastern European secular socialist fascimile of what Stalin did to Ukraine - having their language and culture destroyed and paying homage every single day to the civilized Russians who gave them everything they never wanted. And just like the Soviets, they now they live under constant military rule, while you have the audacity to say that the IDF aren't helping the radical settlers who don't fucking live under military rule.

Cut the shit, bro. Time to face the music.

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